Our history with the breed of Hungarian Vizsla goes back to 2007. This year Neli was born and that is how it all began. Two years after - 2nd November 2009 - Timbo was born, but we had no idea at that time yet. However that is when our journey towards enthusiasts of the breed got the right spin.

Until 2013 we wrote notes to ourselves and had a website about Nelly and Timbo - their experience and life. Suddenly our pack grew bigger and bigger and so now we decided to get back online. We are back! And we are many :)

We are:
NELLY Hi! I'm Nelys z flusbergu a girl of red colour. I am not a red girl, I'm Nelly, Nelisička, Nellisa. Above all I am a princess, because and I am gentle and noble. I am beautiful. I am a thinker, a sensitive nice and cuddly being but only to nice people. Well also to not nice people, when they are nice to me. I am so! Before action I do think. I am not an idiot, who does anything straigh away. There are others for that...for example Timbo. Yes, I watch after him, wash him and dry him... But is this about me? I am a beauty. This is about me. I am Nelly!

TIMBO Hi! I'm Atos Artemis Morávia and I am the cool guy. I am cheerful and I love eeeeverything! Really! Everything! I do everythng with great enthusiasm. I do not care what it is. Well that descibes me quite well. I am a super dog, nice and cuddly. I am sooo sweet. Dude, I am even quite obedient, which I do not understand, but I am quite good at that. I also have a bodyguard Nelly, with who I am in love madly. But I would never tell her that, because she would be thinking too much about herself.

Hungarian Vizsla - our girls

Well seeing from a wider perspective...well, it could have been a coincidence with Nelly. Maybe. But Timbo - it is too evident...such a resemblance! Already before Timbo was born, Nelly knew it is going to be him. And see?

Nelly and Timbo Nelly and Timbo Nelly and Timbo Nelly and Timbo


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